Bengali food and history timeline

food beginnings
water & ice ----------------
salt ----------------
oysters, scallops, mussels & mollusks ----------------
squid, calamari & octopus ----------------
insects ----------------
fish & frogs ----------------
mushrooms & greens ----------------
bear, venison & horsemeat ----------------
eggs & marrow bones ----------------
rice & millet ----------------
emmer grain --17,000BC---
einkorn grain --16,000BC---
almonds --10,000BC---
cherries ---10,000BC---
wheat ---8,000BC---
American bison ---8,000BC---
wine & beer ---7,000BC---
pigs, goats & sheep ---7,000BC---
lard ---7,000BC---
pistachios ---7,000BC---
new world beans ---7,000BC---
black walnuts ---7,000BC---
cattle domestication ---6,500BC---
apples & crab apples ---6500BC---
spelt ---6000BC---
maize & tortillas ---6000BC---
dates ---6000BC---
honey & chickpeas ---5000BC---
arugula, chicory & lettuce ---5000BC---
ginger & galangal ---5000BC---
buckwheat & quinoa ---5000BC---
Cucumbers & squash & chayote ---5000BC---
chili peppers, avocados & taro ---5000BC---
potatoes ---5000BC---
milk & yogurt, & sour cream ---5000BC---
pigeons ---4600BC---
grapes, watermelons & sorghum ---4000BC---
oranges citrons & Buddha's hand ---4000BC---
pomegranates ---4000BC---
popcorn ---3600BC---
chicken domestication ---3200BC---
butter & palm oil ---3000BC---
barley & cassava (manioc) ---3000BC---
peas & carrots ---3000BC---
onions & garlic ---3000BC---
apricots & spices ---3000BC---
soybeans I ---2838BC---
tea ---2737BC---
olive oil ---2500BC---
seaweed & duck ---2500BC---
muskmelon ---2400BC---
saffron & peach palm (page 211) ---2300BC---
mustard, pasta & noodles ---2000BC---
radishes, purslane & carob ---2000BC---
peaches ---2000BC---
marshmallows, liquorice & jujubes ---2000BC---
ham & sesame seeds & cultivated rye---2000BC---
chocolate & vanilla ---1500BC---
horseradish ---1500BC---
sugar ---1200BC---
pickles & mangoes ---1000BC---
oats & bean sprouts ---1000BC---
pears ---900BC---
tomatoes & tomatillos ---900BC---
celery ---850BC---
cinnamon ---700BC---
bananas, poppy seeds & cabbage ---600BC---
Guinea fowl in Greece ---500BC---
Italian sausages & artichokes ---500BC---
pastries & appetizers ---400BC---
vinegar ---400BC---
peppercorns, cardoons & garden cress (page 307) ---400BC---
parsley ---300BC---
turkeys, asparagus & rhubarb ---200BC---
quinces ---65BC---
chestnuts & horehound ---1st Century---
lobster, crab & shrimp ---1st Century---
truffles, dill & dormice ---1st Century---
blueberries & raspberries ---1st Century---
capers, turnips & kale ---1st Century---
costmary & blood as food ---1st Century---

lemons ---3rd Century---

pretzels ---5th Century---
eggplant ---6th Century---
spinach & sago ---7th Century---

coffee, cod & nutmeg ---9th century---
loquats & flower waters ---10th century---

corned beef & cider ---11th century---
lychees, seitan & fu ---11th century---
breadfruit, & okra & artichokes ---12th century---

gooseberries ---12th century---

Walden saffron & Mexican limes ---14th century---

maslin ---1303---

coconuts & rutabagas ---15th century---
Japanese sushi & sashimi ---15th century---
pork & beans ---1475---
pineapples ---1493---
marmelade ---1495---
pecans, papayas & cauliflower ---16th century---
turkeys in Europe ---16th century---
cashews in India ---16th century---
Japanese tempura ---16th century---
Texas Longhorns ---16th century---
vanilla in Europe ---16th century---
tomatoes in Europe ---1544---
fruit leather ---1587---
Brussels sprouts & kohlrabi ---1587---
skim milk ---1596---

yams & sweet potatoes ---17th century---

treacle ---17th Century---
pralines & coffee cake ---17th Century---

modern ice cream & maple sugar ---17th Century---
cranberries in America ---17th Century---
Jerusalem artichokes ---1605---

coffee in Europe ---1615---

rum ---1650---
Kosher food in the U.S. ---1654---
blackeyed peas in America ---1675---
grapefruit in Barbados ---1683---
broccoli in England ---1699---

coffee in America ---18th Century---
root beer & tapioca ---18th Century---
French fries & ketchup ---18th Century---
hardtack & ship's biscuit ---18th Century---
---18th century---
Montelimar nougat ---1701---

casseroles ---1708---

Commerical foods -1740-1820---
sugar beets ---1747---

commercial gelatin ---1754---
mayonnaise & Tartar sauce ---1756---

egg nog ---1760---

soda water ---1767---

New Zealand spinach ---1771---

tomatoes in America ---1781---

lollipops ---1784---
New Zealand mutton birds--- ---1788---

switchel ---1790---

squirrel ---19th century--

Mandarin oranges/Europe ---1805---

ice cream cones & sandwich bread ---1807---

corn syrup & McIntosh apples ---1811---
taffy, toffee & butterscotch ---1817---
new potatoes ---1817---
lady fingers ---1820---

cocoa ---1828---

soft drinks in America ---1830---
Turkish delight & Worcestershire sauce ---1830---

Gibraltar rock ---1831---
iodized salt ---1833---
Worsestershire sauce & Michigan mint ---1835---
Idaho potatoes & custard powder ---1837---
Key limes ---1839---

corn starch ---1842---

Chinese food in America ---1847---
vanilla extract ---1847---

Concord grapes ---1849---

modern marshmallows --1850---
cherries in Michigan ---1852---
potato chips ---1853---
Condensed milk ---1856---
Peek Freans ---1857---

fish & chips ---1860---
Garibaldi biscuits ---1860s---

Vernor's Ginger Ale ---1862---
breakfast cereal ---1863---

Conversation Hearts ---1866---

synthetic baby food ---1867---
Tabasco sauce ---1868---
Fleischmann's Yeast & Kobe beef ---1868---

Welch's grape juice ---1869---

margarine & unsalted butter---1870s---
California raisins ---1870s--

Philadelphia cream cheese ---1872---
Graham crackers ---1872---

Heinz Ketchup ---1876---

fondant ---1877---
blood oranges in USA & Thompson seedless grapes ---1878---

Wheatena & Saccharin ---1879---

passion fruit, desiccated eggs & crosnes ---1880s--
salt water taffy & French dressing ---1880s--

Armour's 'Simon Pure'Leaf Lard ---1884--

milk shakes & Dr Pepper ---1885---
Educator crackers, Salisbury steak & evaporated milk ---1885---
Coca Cola ---1886---
malted milk & Georgia pecans ---1887---
pancake syrups ---1887---
pizza ---1889---

Fig Newtons ---1891---
Cracker Jacks---1893---
Minute tapioca ---1894---
peanut butter & tea bags ---1895---
Chop suey & Corsicana fruitcake ---1896---
oatmeal cookies ---1896---

Jell-O & Campbell's tomato soup ---1897---
cotton candy & tangelos ---1897---
jelly beans & candy corn ---1898---
Texas sweet onions ---1898---

Cottolene & Plasmon ---1900---
elbow macaroni & Ice cream sandwiches ---1900---

peanut butter & jelly ---1901---

Animal Crackers & Black & Whites ---1902---

Karo syrup ---1902---

canned tuna ---1903---
banana splits & Ovaltine ---1904---

New Zealand kiwi ---1904---

New York pizza ---1905---

Taylor Pork Roll ---1906---

Meyer lemons ---1908---

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) ---1909---

orange juice ---1910s--

Crisco ---1911---

Junket & Olivenaise ---1911---

Oreos & maraschino cherries ---1912---

fortune cookies ---1912---

Mallomars ---1913---

Pan-Pak ---1915---

American shark & Australian Copha---1916---

Moon pies & Marshmallow Fluff ---1917---

Chase's Cherry Mash ---1918---

Hostess cup cakes ---1919---

Eskimo Pie & Good Humor ---1920---

Yoo-hoo & cube steak ---1920s--

Wonder Bread & zucchini ---1921---

Vegemite & Girl Scout Cookies ---1922---
popsicles ---1923---
frozen foods & Texas hot weiners ---1924---
ready-to-spread frostings & Jujyfruit candy ---1925---
Orange Julius ---1926---
Kool-Aid, Pez, Pepperoni Rolls, & Bridge mix ---1927---
Gerber's baby food & It's It ---1928---
Twizzlers & Karmelkorn ---1929---
Po'Boy & hot Italian sandwiches --1929---
Twinkies & Jiffy biscuit mix --1930---
Heinz 57 product line ---1930---
sliced bread & dry soup mix ---1930s---
spiral carved hams & cheese puffs ---1930s---
Vidalia onions & Frisbie Pies ---1930s---
tacos in LA ---1931---
London Broil & Tri-tip steak ---1931---
refrigerator biscuits ---1931---
Fritos & Pablum ---1932---
Marshmallow Sandwich cookies ---1932---
chocolate covered pretzels ---1933---
Hawaiian Punch & Rutgers tomatoes ---1934---
Nabisco's Ritz crackers ---1934---
Campbell's cream of mushroom soup & Tex-Mex burritos ---1934---
sloppy joes ---1935---
Py-O-My & Dagwood sandwiches ---1936---
SPAM, Krispy Kreme & Hippodromes ---1937---
Hollywood bread & chicken & waffles ---1938---
Cho cho ice cream treats ---1939---
Ugli fruit & seedless watermelon ---1939---
milk sold by the gallon ---1939---
York Peppermint Patties & sponge candy ---1940---
M & Ms & Cheerios ---1941---
Corn dogs/Pronto pups & Blackout cakes ---1942---
Chicago-style pizza ---1943---
frozen orange juice & Nutella ---1946---
Gourmet (magazine) food ads ---1946---
Betty Crocker's cake mix ---1947---
frozen french fries & Sau Sea shrimp cocktail --1948---
Jolly Ranchers ---1949---
instant pudding & high altitude cake mix ---1949---
parbaked bread & Friday Franks ---1949---
American Tex-Mex ---1950s--
Irish coffee, cappuccino & smoothies ---1950s--
frozen pizza ---1950---
chickenfurters ---1951---
diet soda & Cheez Whiz ---1952---
Duncan Hines cake mixes ---1952---
Maypo ---1953---
Marshmallow Peeps ---1953---
TV Dinners ---1953---
ranch dressing & tracklements ---1954---

frozen pie crust ---1955---
chocolate covered ants ---1956---
Tang & Pam ---1957---
Rice-A-Roni & instant ramen noodles ---1958---
brown rice in USA ---1960s---
Fruit Stripe gum ---1960---
Life cereal ---1961---
instant mashed potatoes & PDQ ---1962---
round sandwich bread ---1963---
Brown & Serve bacon ---1963---
Carnation Instant Breakfast & Belgian waffles & Pop Tarts ---1964---
Buffalo Wings ---1964---
fast food chicken sandwiches ---1964---
Gatorade & Slurpees ---1965---
high fructose corn syrup ---1967---
Ramapo tomatoes ---1968---
Snack Pack & Space Food Sticks ---1968---
Snackin Cake ---1971---
beefalo&& Flame Seedless grapes ---1973---
Lactaid ---1974---
Pop Rocks & Jelly Bellies ---1976---
orange cauliflower ---1976---
pulled pork & generic foods ---1977---
panko & portobello mushrooms ---1980s---
bubble tea, chicken nuggets & Sriracha sauce ---1980s---
Yukon gold potatoes ---1980---
Gardenburgers ---1982---
Orangetti spaghetti squash ---1986---
Red Bull energy drink ---1984---
everything bagels & garlic knots ---1988---
artisan breads & greenhouse tomatoes ---1990s---
edamame in the USA ---1990s---
turkey bacon ---1991---
pretzel bread ---1992---
broccolini ---1993---
Flavr Savr tomatoes I (launch) & II (shelved in 1997) ---1994---
Tofurkey ---1995---
grape tomatoes ---1997---
Omega 3 Eggs ---2001---
Flat iron steak & tear-free onions ---2002---
Mexican funnel cake ---2008---
What's hot? ---2013---
Cronuts & test tube burgers ---2013---

historic recipes

---10,000BC--- flour, bread & soup

---4000BC--- yeast breads: pitta & focaccia

---3000BC--- ice cream

---2300BC--- Ancient Egypt

---1700BC--- Mesopotamia banquets & recipes

---900BC--- polenta

---350BC--- dolma

---1st Century--- Bible era foods
---1st Century--- Ancient Rome
---1st Century--- fried chicken, foie gras
---1st Century--- French toast & omlettes
---1st Century--- Italian wedding soup & rice pudding
---1st Century--- flan & cheesecake
---1st Century--- The Haggis, stuffed dates & pears in syrup
---1st Century--- challah & Parthian breads

---3rd Century--- De Re Culinaria (in Latin) & De Opsoniis et Condimentis, Apicius
---4th century--- Byzantine bread
---5th-9th century--- Anglo-Saxon foods

---7th century--- kimchi
---8th century--- Ancient Maya
---8th-12th century--- Viking foods
---9th century--- halva & goulash
---10th-15th century--- Medieval food & menus
---10th century--- Peking duck & Shark's fin soup
---11th century--- baklava & bannock

---13th Century--- ravioli, lasagne & mozzarella cheese
---13th Century--- pancakes & waffles
---13th century--- brawn, salsify & couscous
---14th century--- kebabs & moon cakes
---14th century--- scrambled eggs & guacamole
---14th century--- escabeche & verjuice
---14th century--- pie & humble pie
---14th century--- kolache, Trenchers, Frumenty & Blancmanger
---14th century--- Viandier de Taillevent & Le Menagier de Paris
---1381--- apple pie & crumpets
---1386--- Chaucerian Cookery, feasts!
---1390--- The Forme of Cury
---1390--- applesauce
---1393--- fried cheese sticks
---1395--- gingerbread
---15th century--- jelly, jams & preserves
---15th century--- stracciatelle & zanzarelli, risotto
---15th century--- borscht & marzipan
---15th century --Sauce Robert
---15th century--- doughnuts & hot dogs
---1475--- wassail
---1492---Christopher Columbus old world cuisine
---16th century--- sweetbreads & salsa
---16th century--- quiche & puff paste
---16th century--- teriyaki chicken & Cornish pastys & Polish Bigos
---16th century--- English snow eggs & syllabub
---1514--- Een Notabel Boecxken Van Cokeryen, in Dutch
---1545--- A Proper newe Booke of Cokerye
---1590--- Shakepeare's food
---1593--- Cocboeck, Carolus Battus (in Dutch)
---1596--- English trifle
---1597--- potato salad
---1598--- cock-a-leekie
---1599--- hasty pudding
---17th Century--- corn bread, hoe cakes, spoonbread & hominy
---17th Century--- chess pie & shortbread
---17th Century--- French onion soup, pea soup & cream puffs
---17th century--- Salad I & II
---17th century Hodge Podge & Olla Podria
---1604--- Raspberry jelly & modern version
---1607-- Jamestown settlers ate pottage (p. 20)
---1610--- bagels
---1612--- Koocboec oft familieren keukenboec, Magirus (in Dutch)
---1615--- A New booke of cookerie
---1616--- Koge-Bog (first printed Nordic cookbook)
---1621--- Pilgrim Thanksgiving
---1638--- Mobby

---1653--- pumpkin pie & lemonade
---1662--- Boston brown bread (aka Ryaninjun)
---1664--- potato bread
---1669--- De Verstandige Kock, in Dutch
---1672--- Queen-Like Closet, Hannah Wooley
---1683--- De Verstandige Kock, colonial Dutch recipes
---1685--- Accomplisht Cook, Robert May
---1686--- croissants
---1691--- lemon meringue pie
---1694--- portable soup
---1698--- punch
---1699--- John Evelyn's Acetaria: Discourse of Sallets
---18th century --- Colonial & Early American fare
---18th century --- crab cakes, ratafia & sangria
---18th century--- muffins & crackers
---18th century--- chowder & beef tea
---18th century--- cinnimon buns & English muffins
---1702--- pepper pot soup
---1706--- croquettes
---1720--- Receipts of Pastry and Cookery for the Use of his Scholars, Ed. Kidder
---1725--- Welsh Rabbit
---1727--- Hasty pudding, The Compleat Housewife E. Smith
---1728--- mushroom ketchup
---1736--- Scottish tablet
---1740--- pound cake & cupcakes
---1744--- Espagnole sauce
---1747--- Floating island
---1747--- Yorkshire pudding & sweet potato pie
---1747--- Salmagundi & mashed potatoes
---1753--- diet bread
---1754--- Colonial Williamsburg food
---1754--- Swedish meatballs
---1755--- turtle soup
---1762--- sandwiches
---1764--- English Houswifery, Elizabeth Moxon
---1765--- apple butter

---1769--- beef a la mode , Experienced English Housekeeper
---1769--- Eccles cakes
---1770--- Colonial wedding cakes & Crab soup
---1771--- Election Cake
---1775--- Dried apples from Paul Revere's kitchen
---July 4, 1776--- American Independence Day menus 1776--present
---1780s--- Martha Washington's Great Cake
---1780s--- Thomas Jefferson's ice cream (manuscript) & muffins
---1780s--- Martha Jefferson's cream cheese
---1782--- souffle
---1784--- Mulligatawny soup
---1785--- Kokebok, from Norway
---1786--- deviled eggs
---1787--- toad-in-a-hole
---1789--- aspic & Moravian sugar cakes
---1790--- pasta & tomato sauce
---1790s--- California Mission foodwasy
---1792--- English Art of Cookery, Richard Briggs
---1792--- mock turtle soup
---1796--- pompkin pudding & federal pancakes, Amelia Simmon's American Cookery
---1796--- Charlotte & Charlotte Russe
---1798--- American Cookery, Amelia Simmons
---1798--- turnovers
---19th Century--- Frontier American fare & Victorian era foodways
---19th Century--- Chile con carne & fondue
---19th Century-- wedding cake, Sally Lunn & salt rising bread
---19th Century-- Napoleons, Linzertortes & ammonia cookies
---19th Century-- shepherd's pie & Cape Breton pork pie
---19th Century-- American mangoes & pickled peppers
---19th Century-- canapes & timbales
---19th Century-- fines herbes
---1800--- Regency English menus & recipes [Jane Austen]
---1800--- Napoleon's Chicken Marengo
---1802--- fried ice cream
---1803--- Mint Julep & Gumbo
---1803--- Frugal Housewife, Susannah Carter
---1804--- pemmican
---1805--- white pudding & pot pie
---1807--- A New System of Domestic Cookery, Mrs. Rundell
---1808--- Lucy Emerson's New England Cookery
---1810--- Brunswick stew & Kentucky burgoo
---1817--- Remoulade
---1820--- ginger ale
---1821--- Tomata catsup & orange marmelade, Frederick Accum's Culinary Chemistry
---1824--- chicken-fried steak, oyster ice cream & gazpacho in America
---1826--- Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin's Physiologie du Gout (Note: this is the 1848 edition; the 1826 is no longer available online)
---1826--- Cook and Housewife's Manual, Margaret Dods (Scotland)
---1827--- lemon drops & carrot ale
---1828--- Duck a l'Orange
---1828--- Vermont common crackers & Philadelphia Apee cookies
---1828--- Sauce Allemande & Cabinet pudding
---1830--- Frugal Housewife/Child & Cooks Oracle/Kitchiner

---1830--- Reform Club chef Alex Soyer's Dessert gelatin
---1830--- carrot cake, Hopping John, & bouillabaisse
---1831--- The Cook Not Mad, Watertown NY
---1832--- Seventy-five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes and Sweetmeats, Eliza Leslie
---1832--- The Cook's Own Book, N.K.M. Lee
---1834--- Palestine soup
---1838--- The Virginia Housewife, Mary Randolph
---1839--- The Good Housekeeper, Sarah Josepha Hale
---1839--- cobbler
---1840--- Directions for Cookery, Eliza Leslie
---1840--- Cuisiniere Canadienne, L. Perrault, Montreal
---1840s-- Oregon trail foods
---1840s-- Irish soda bread & French Savarin
---1840s-- pork steaks & head cheese
---1844--- Cornish pastys in UP
---1845--- roly-poly pudding & Bakewell pudding & fines herbes
---1845--- tipsy parson & chicken salad
---1846--- Jewish Manual, Judith Montefiore & Domestic Receipt Book/ Catharine Beecher
---1847--- Utah bound!
---1847--- peanut brittle

---1848--- pesto
---1849--- Eliza cookees, Mrs. Hubbell
---1849--- California sourdough bread & Hangtown fry
---1850s-- Western sandwiches
---1850s-- Mock apple pie

---1850--- Anadama bread
---1851--- Great Western Cook Book, Anna Collins
---1852--- Handbook of Invalid Cooking/Mary Boland
---1853--- Maryland beaten biscuits
---1855--- Boston cream pie
---1856--- Navy bean soup
---1857--- Hanna Winsnes' cookbook (in Norwegian)
---1857--- Country Captain Chicken & iced coffee
---1857--- Eliza Acton's English Bread Book
---1859--- The Curiosities of Food/Simmonds (extreme cuisine)
---1860--- Cakes & plum puddings, Godey's Lady's Book
---1860s--- Baked Alaska & ice tea
---1861--- Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management
---1861--- Beef Stroganoff & popcorn balls
---1861-1865--- Civil War foods
---1863--- Confederate Receipt Book, Richmond VA
---1863--- fruit salad
---1864--- Sanderson's Complete Confectioner & Complete Cook
---1864--- Apple Brown Betty
---1865--- Mrs. Goodfellow's Cookery as it should be
---1866--- The National Cookbook, Hannah Peterson
---1868--- The Dominion Home Cookbook, Toronto
---1869--- parfaits, pickled limes & bordelaise sauce & Chateaubriand
---1869--- Wright's book of 3000 practical receipts
---1870s-- American pot roast & Parker House rolls
---1870s--- Neapolitan ice cream & Caramel cake
---1870s--- Cowboy cooking
---1870--- Jennie June's American Cookbook, Jane Cunningham Croly
---1870--- New Orleans King cakes
---1871--- groom's cake & marble cake
---1871--- Wild Turkey & cheese straws
---1872--- Jambalaya
---1873--- American cuisine, from Miss Beecher's Housekeeper and Healthkeeper cookbook
---1874--- Mrs. Winslow's Domestic Receipt Book
---1875--- Breakfast, Luncheon, and Tea, Marion Harland
---1875--- Young Housewife's Counsellor and Friend, Mary Ann Mason
---1876--- Practical Cooking and Dinner Giving, Henderson
---1876--- popovers, ground nut cakes & Lobster Newburg
---1877--- ambrosia & vinegar pie
---1877--- Wilcox's Buckeye Cookery & Kettner's Book of the Table
---1878--- hermit cookies
---1878--- Directions Diverses, Montreal
---1879--- Mrs. Porter's New Southern Cookery Book, Mrs. M. E. Porter
---1879--- funnel cakes
---1880--- Miss Parloa's New Cookbook, Maria Parloa
---1880s--- angel food & chocolate pie
---1880s--- Baked Alaska & American meatloaf
---1881--- What Mrs. Fisher Knows About Old Southern Cooking, Abby Fisher
---1882--- Chicken tartare
---1883--- Christmas pudding
---1884--- Mrs. Lincoln's Boston Cook Book
---1884--- porcupines & Angels on horseback
---1885--- La Cuisine Creole, Lafcadio Hearn
---1886--- Woman's Suffrage Cook Book, Mrs. Hattie A. Burr
---1886--- Miss Corson's Practical American Cookery, Juliet Corson
---1886--- pecan pie
---1887--- Cherries jubilee & Heavenly hash
---1887--- White House Cook Book, F.L. Gillette
---1887--- Canning & Preserving, Mrs. Rorer
---1889--- Aunt Babette's Cook Book: Foreign and Domestic Receipts
---1889--- bundt cake
---1890s--- corn oysters & ice cream sundaes
---1890s--- chicken cacciatora & picnic ham
---1892--- Science in the Kitchen, Ella Eaton Kellogg
---1893--- Art of Living in Australia, Philip Muskett
---1893--- La Cuisine Francaise: French Cooking for Every Home...
---1893--- Favorite Dishes, Carrie V. Shuman
---1893--- ice cream a la mode & fudge
---1894--- Ranhofer's The Epicurean
---1894--- Terrapin, from Delmonico's in NYC
---1894--- Eggs Benedict
---1894--- Recipes Tried and True, Marion Ohio
---1896--- Waldorf salad
---1896--- Boston Cooking School Cook Book, Fannie Merritt Farmer
---1896--- The Cook Book, Oscar Tschirky (of the Waldorf)
---1896--- Military field bread, U.S. Manual for Army Cooks
---1896--- Henriette Davidis' Practical Cookbook, 35th German edition (in English)
---1897--- Swedish-American Cookbook (Swedish and English)
---1897--- Steiger's Deutsch-Amerikaniches Kochbuch (in German)
---1897--- Nantua sauce
---1898--- Lane Cake & Shrimp wiggle
---1899--- Oysters Rockefeller
---1900s-- Popular USA foods & menus
---1900s-- cioppino, Oysters Kirkpatrick & a href="foodmeats.html#swisssteak">Swiss steak
---1900s-- Culinary Wrinkles, or how to use Armour's extract of beef
---1900--- Morristown Cook Book (NJ)
---1900--- My Pet Recipes..., St. Andrews Church, Quebec
---1900--- Banbury tarts, The Stonington Cookbook, CT
---1900--- Food for the Sick and How to Prepare It, Edwin French
---1901--- Settlement Cook Book, Mrs. Simon Kander
---1901--- Eggs in a basket & Clams casino

---1902--- USA Devil's food cake & Australian Lamingtons
---1902--- Mrs. Rorer's New Cook Book, Sarah Tyson Rorer
---1903--- cranberry bread
---1903--- U.S. Senate Bean Soup & Club sandwiches
---1904--- Dr. Price's Delicious Desserts
---1904--- Cooking in Old Creole Days, Celestine Eustis
---1904--- Blue Grass Cook Book, Minnie Fox [Kentucky cookery]
---1904--- Good Housekeeping Hostess
---1905--- Los Angeles Times Cook Book
---1905--- Lady Baltimore & Checkerboard cakes
---1905--- submarine sandwiches, Tomato gravy & Tamale pie
---1905--- Finnish-American Cookbook, Kaleva Michigan (with English translation)
---1906--- brownies & banana cream pie
---1906--- onion rings, Harvard beets & Muffoletta sandwiches
---1906--- Refugee's Cook Book, (San Francisco earthquake)
---1906--- One Hundred and One Mexican Dishes, May E. Southworth
---1907--- Le Guide Culinaire/Escoffer (English)
---1907--- Gastronomy Practique, Ali-Bab (French)
---1907--- Divinity fudge, sauerkraut candy & aioli
---1908--- Steak Diane & Lobster fra diavolo
---1908--- buttercream frosting
---1909--- Tetrazzini & Kaiser pudding
---1909--- Good Housekeeping Woman's Home Cookbook, Isabel Gordon Curtis
---1909--- Washington Woman's Cook Book (Seattle)
---1909--- Reform Cookery Book, Mrs. Mill
---1909--- shrimp cocktail
---1910s-- Popular U.S. foods & menus
---1910-- Jell-O: America's most famous dessert
---1910--- Home Helps: A Pure Food Cook Book
---1910--- Charles Fellows' Menu Maker & Horace Kephart's Camp Cookery
---1910--- Practical West African Cookery/Leith-Ross & Ruxton
---1911--- Apple sauce cake
---1911--- Good Things to Eat, Rufus Estes
---1911--- Laurel Health Cookery, Elvora Bucknum Perkins (vegetarian)
---1911--- Catering for Special Occasions, Fannie Merritt Farmer
---1911--- Kitchen Encyclopedia, Swift & Company
---1912--- Chicken a la King & Chop Suey cake
---1912--- Thousand Island dressing & tomato pie
---1912--- Mary Frances Cook Book, Jane Eayre Fryer
---1912--- Standard Paper-bag Cookery, Emma Paddock Telford
---1912--- War Time Cooking, Lydia E. Pinkham
---1912--- Dromedary Cook Book
---1912--- Golden Rule Cook Book,Sharpe (vegetarian)
---1913--- Chinese Cook Book, Chong Jan Co. & Japanese Fruitcake
---1913--- Choice Recipes: Chocolate and Cocoa, Walter Baker & Co.
---1913--- Dishes and Beverages of the Old South, Martha Williams
---1913--- Coq au vin & clover leaf rolls
---1913--- Italian cream cake & clafoutis
---1914--- Chinese-Japanese Cook Book, Sara Bosse
---1914--- Chicken fried steak
---1914--- Neighborhood Cook Book, Council of Jewish Women
---1914--- ANZAC biscuits I & II
---1914--- Fettuccine Alfredo
---1915--- hush puppies & peanut butter cookies
---1915--- Dainty Desserts for Dainty People, Knox Gelatin Co.
---1915--- Healthy Life Cook Book, Florence Daniel
---1915--- Pan-Pacific Cookbook, Exposition fare
---1916--- Apple crisp & Sunkist Oranges-Lemons
---1916--- Field bread, Manual for Army Bakers
---1916--- Allied Cookery, Grace Clergue Harrison
---1917--- Icebox Cake & Black cow
---1917--- Vichyssoise & American cocktail parties
---1917--- 55 Ways to Save Eggs & Best War Time Recipes
---1917--- Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden
---1918--- World War I recipes from the Doughboy Cookbook
---1918--- Fannie Farmer's Boston Cooking School Cook Book
---1919--- Sturtevant's Notes on Edible Plants/E. Lewis Sturtevant [1919]
---1919--- International Jewish Cook Book, Florence Kreisler Greenbaum
---1919--- The Hotel St. Francis Cookbook, Victor Hirtzler
---1919--- Italian Cook Book, Maria Gentile
---1919--- chocolate truffles
---1920s-- Popular U.S. foods & menus
---1920s-- egg creams & French 75 cocktail
---1920--- Fleischmann's recipes
---1920--- School and Home Cooking, Carlotta C. Greer
---1921--- Chiffon pie, Mary Ann cakes & Candle salad
---1921--- Story of Crisco (with recipes)
---1922--- Aunt Caroline's Dixieland Recipes, Emma & William McKinney
---1922--- Jell-O recipes
---1923--- Food for the Diabetic, Mary Huddleson
---1923--- Svensk-Amerikansk Kokbok (Wisconsin)
---1924--- pineapple upside-down cake & Caesar salad
---1924--- chocolate covered potato chips
---1925--- George Washington Carver's peanut recipes
---1925--- Lemon sponge cake from 800 Proved Pecan Recipes
---1927--- Electric Refrigerator Recipes, General Electric
---1927--- Here's How (Prohibition cocktails)
---1927--- s'mores & mayonnaise cake
---1928--- Horseshoe sandwiches & Black bottom pie & cold shape
---1930s-- Popular U.S. foods & menus
---1930s-- Lady Baltimore & Pavlova cakes
---1930s-- Philly cheese steak & Pigs in blankets & Margaritas
---1930s-- banana bread & Tomato Soup cake
---1930s-- Cajun fried turkey & Purple Cows
---1931--- souffle, Joy of Cooking
---1931--- refrigerator pie & city chicken
---1933--- Lindy's cheese cake
---1935--- breadless sandwiches
---1936--- Chef's salad, Chinese Chicken salad & no-bake cookies
---1936--- Burke's Complete Cocktails & Drinking Recipes
Reubens & Chicken Kiev
---1937--- Specialita Culinarie Italiane, Boston MA
---1937--- Green goddess dressing & Cobb salad
---1939--- New York World's Fair Cook Book/Crosby Gaige
---1939--- Colonel Sanders' secret recipe & George Jessel's Bloody Mary
---1940s-- Popular U.S. foods & menus
---1940--- Ruth Wakefield's Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies & Johnny Marzetti casserole
---1940--- Recipes, Britain's Ministry of Food
---1941--- Lord Woolton Pie & sugarless sponge cake
---1941--- Rice Krispies treats & Monte Cristo sandwiches & carpetbag steak
---1942--- MFK Fisher's Tomato & War cakes
---1943--- 99 ways to share the Meat, USDA
---1943--- nachos
---1944--- tortilla soup
---1945--- monkey bread, city chicken & rum balls
---1946--- chicken burgers, tuna melts & potato chip cookies
---1946--- Stork Club (NYC) & Trader Vic cocktails
---1947--- chiffon cake
---1948--- Chicken Vesuvio & Finger steaks
---1948--- Mr. Truman's recipes I, II, & III
---1949--- Wacky cake
---1949--- Pillsbury Bake Off
---1950s-- Popular U.S. foods & menus
---1950s-- Chicken Parm & Chicken Francese
---1950s-- Mexican wedding cakes & Nesselrode pie
---1950s-- modern American honey mustard
---1951--- Bananas Foster
---1952--- Chex mix
---1953--- coronation chicken
---1954--- California onion dip & Nanaimo bars
---1955--- green bean casserole & chicken Wellington
---1956---German chocolate cake & Chocolate beet cake
---1956--- Panini
---1956--- Thumbprint cookies & Rolled rondant
---1957--- Italian-American Spaghetti Carbonara & Quebec Poutine
---1958--- Crab rangoon & lemon bars
---1960s-- Popular foods & menus
---1960s-- Beef Wellington, Grasshopper pie, Digger bread & Cocoa fudge
---1960--- Green Eggs & Ham & Red Velvet Cake
---1961--- Billy bi
---1962--- Cream cheese brownies
---1963--- Black Forest cake & Texas sheet cake
---1963--- Ladybird Johnson's recipes
---1964--- Ants on a log
---1964--- Hot Dutch Tuna Buns & pita bread, NYC World's Fair
---1965--- crudites & Hello Dolly Bars
---1966--- Tunnel of Fudge Cake, chocolate fondue & King Ranch Chicken
---1968--- Taco salad, Astronaut fruitcake & Impossible pie
---1969--- Richard Nixon's favorite meatloaf
---1969--- Flower Pot Bread & Hummingbird Cake
---1970's-- Popular U.S. foods & menus
---1970's-- California rolls, Pasta primavera & Tiramisu
---1971--- fajitas
---1972--- General Tso's chicken
---1973--- zucchini bread & Harvey Wallbanger cake

---1975--- Black & blue steak & Chicken Tikka Masala
---1976--- American Bicentennial menus

---1978--- Consumer Reports rates chicken soup
---1980's-- Popular U.S. foods & menus
---1980s-- Mud pie & Dirt dessert
---1980s-- Panzanella & mesclun
---1980s-- pasta salad & oriental noodle salad
---1980--- Turducken
---1981--- Watergate salad & Watergate cake
---1983--- Penne alla vodka & Harvard Beet Cake
---1987--- banh mi & tortilla pinwheels
---1990's-- Popular U.S. foods & menus
---1990s--- stromboli, Jamaican jerk & tall food
---1991--- chocolate molten lava cake & earthquake cake

---2000s--- popular U.S. foods & trends

---2007--- Kool-Aid pickles & cake pops
---2009--- Twecipes & Recessipes